Sunday, December 26, 2010

What we talk about...

It has been said that..

Great people talk about ideas..
Average people talk about themselves..
Less than average people talk about other people..

So careful on what normally you talk about...

The path

People always hope for the better..period.
Being successful even in your our terms (whatever that might be...),
Means that being able to standing out from the rest with achievements.

Some people achieve success... but most fail to sustain..

Ever lasting success means everlasting achivements.
It is about consistancy.
You want to be able to achive success on consistant basic
Be it small or big success it has to be consistant.

It is better to achieve small success all the time...
It is manageable and sustainable

The idea is,

Being successful means that being different..

But the thing is..

Many people who have desire to succeed but yet to be successful
The only reason they still conform to the norm and normal crowd

In order to stand out.. you should take the path less travel
And it is the path that is unpopular.. but the result is very popular indeed!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The reason

Every thing happens for a reason..

Be it success, be it adversity.
It happenned for a reason and there are lesson behind them.

Embrace success and failure.
If the lesson is understood.
We will be stronger as there shall be growth.

Not everything that we wish for will happened.
And it is also for a reason.

As a friend of mine once told me

God doesnt always give you what you wish for..
He gives you what you need...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who am i?

It really hard sometime to interprete who we actually are..
Better evaluation is definately from external...
Most of the time we are not who we think we are.. funny

It common that
We are who our friends are... as simple as that...

The idea is...
If we want to grow.. we need access to information or knowledge that is useful.
In term of perception...
We need to be around people that have good perception, interpretation and positive.

The other idea is..
As we grow.. our knowledge pool grows as well
But we have to be careful on the knowledge that we gather and the correctness of the knowledge and information.

So choose wisely

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Simplicity within Complexity

When we are a kid things are pretty much simple...
As we grow older.. life some how becomes more and more complex.

In order to achieve more,
we sometime complicate things to make it work
With out complexity things would probably wont work out.

For example.. non performing staffs.
we introduce more ruling and measurement to administer them.
Whilst maybe it is better to let them go rather than introducing more complex approach.

All I am saying is that... it will be more complicated as we go along...
It wont be that complicated if we do not intend to achieve more and better
But this blog is about achieving more and becoming better.
Thus complication is inevietable.

For us to stand out from the rest..
We should be able to gain the sight of simplicity within complexity... period
And it is very hard to do... that why very few succeeded.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Success Stick

Organisation are made of people.
The measurement of success of an organisation are quite simple.

It is the capability or the organisation

To attract talented people, and most importantly,
To be able to retain talented people.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sometime, it is necessary

We work hard to sustain,
We work hard to get more.
We work hard to fulfill our needs,
We work hard to go after our dream.

When the going get tough,
When we feel down.
When the going get tough,
When we are stressful.

Dont just keeping in mind of all the things the we dont have..
We need to remind of ourselves of what we already have.

It will get us calm and it makes us happier while getting the things that we have not yet achieved.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My new aim

Before I die hopefully...

I want to be a billionaire!

Wow.. Come to think.. I need more good people!!!

I need to create millionaires in my group of companies...

I like it... It is #@$%*%$ challenging... period

Still searching for 'the' opportunity?

Everybody dream of having 'the' opportunity that might change their life.
The thing is everybody has those opportunity either they realise it or not..

We need to do want we needed to do.
And try to do more.
If we do that the opportunity will present itself to us.

If we are able to do that,
We will find out that there are tons more after that.
It is a concept of opportunity creation and multiplication.

The idea is

If you can create one and leverage on it... There shall be much more!

Opportunity does not come easy for some people simply because they just wait for it
Opportunity has to be create!
Opportunity can be create!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just a little bit

I've have started writing a little bit.
It is because i work to make my house under better order
I try to get my emotion and temperament under better order.
I try to managing my core function and deliverables

So I ended up, having more time, having more peace.
Thus having more time meaning, I got more flow of idea
So I share it with you.

What i did was simple to realign my priorities.
Identifying individual segments of life and work.
And I allocate my resources necessary to each segment.
So I ended up seing things in better vision and and flow.

Get it right, get peace

In life, there are laws and orders.
It is to get things flow in a specific pattern.
Without laws and order there shall be chaos.
Another word, it is to get things manageable.

Management of work and life are equally important.
We have to exercise management.. good management.

Come management come planning.

It is important to know how and what to manage.
When we know how and what to manage.
It is not getting difficult things too much easier.
But it will help us to know what to do in orderly manner.
It will give us better peace of mind and time.
Which in turn enable us to do other things more and in better peace.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It is never enough

Human have desires
Our desire is limitless.
When we though that is enough.
It is never is and we will always want more.

Early in our life, we always wanted materials.
We want car, then we want bigger and better car.
We want home, then we want bigger home.
It is nothing but human norms.

The idea is

We thought that getting better materials makes us happy.
But infact in this new world when it is easy to loan,
It is easier to get better things via the bank.
We ended up in bigger debts
And even worst after getting those 'stuffs', we are no happier.

The thing is

Over time most all of us will find out getting more and better materials does not necessarily make us any happier or satisfied.
If we look at older people they refuse to be in debt any more, in is a piece of mind.
But the older people also living a relax life but most become empty inside.

The idea is.

The actually thing that makes us happy is the sense of achieving and living life with purposes. Think about it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Let us do it!

Everybody wants to be somebody.
But not everybody can be somebody.

It can be puzzling sometime.
Some people makes it,
Some people ever wonder how and why,
Some people could not care no more,
Just give up or just follow the flow.

The idea is...

To be somebody.. you have to know how and you have a way.. puzzling huh..
But It is not that difficult actually...
First you think of what u want to be come or you model other people.
Then the way present itself automaticaly.
Then you really have the will and detemination.
Will and determination come with focus, preseverence and success!

But sometime some people are saying that
Either you are somebody or you are nobody.
It is your choice....
If you dont choose you are definately nobody!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


If we want to be better or be like the person we always wanted to be, what we have to do is

1) to model the person that we wanted to be... but it has to be modelled in the right way though! For example if we want to be like somebody who is living in luxury... it is wrong to model the way they spend or we spend or what we have supposed to be in relation with the depth of our pocket..instead we are suppose to model their work ethics, discipline and principle.

2) it is just simple to be around with the kind of people that you wanted to be.. you will get the idea faster..

The idea is ... it is natural of me from my childhood to always model somebody who is better than me... it works!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gosh, I thought I've nail it.

Most of us, thought that we know ourselves well and better than other people. The truth is that we normally think we are right but most of the time we got it wrong. We wont know ourself if we do not think about it and try to listen to feedback from other people.

So technically, we need some feedback analysis to know ourself better.

It is always said that the best person who know our mother is our father and vice versa. So basically, the people closest to us know us better and definately better than we thought we know ourselves.

The idea is,

We need to know our weakness and strength. We need to exploit our strength. We are more successful is we work or play on our area of strength. Rather than work or play on area of weakness but trying to improve at the same time.

But the fact is, we need to listen more and listen from more external sources to understand our strength and weakneses.

All your have to do is ask and open enough to digest it...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On top

Life is full of "stuffs". The stuffs keep on piling up as we move along. Sometime stuffs can blow your mind.

It is best just to be a baby without worries and too many stuffs. When your are hungry or wet, you just have to cry for attention and care. Unfortunately as adults, we normally cry on our own and not many people will care. That is the way it is.

We are human, so we tend to lost focus and mis-priorities sometimes. Sometime we are too buzy into something especially when it involve feelings and emotion.

We just have to re-group and fit the new stuffs where it should belong, at its level of priority and at it own time slot.

We just have to be on top of things. Easier said that done huh...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Leadership ???

Leadership is such a buzz word.. It is worth it?.. I can say that it will do you and other people good! that is for sure.

The fact is everybody a leader and at some point of time you will be leading someone else.

How do we begin... Leadership begins with caring about others progress toward betterment with utmost sincerity... without caring and sincerity.. you are just merely bossing around.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Up and Down

Life has its up and down.It is a cycle. Everything is. The economy, our emotion, our career, our relationship and etc.

So if you on top, be gracious. If your are down be patience and endure you will go up again.

There is no point being a snub or giving up.

It is just another chapter and sure there will be more. It is about the story line and the ending.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back and forward

It is being said that sometime

1. In order move forward you have to pause or go backward.

2. In order to know what is right, you have to know what is wrong first.

These two sentence is so powerful is you grasp it's true meaning.

Give it a thot and reflect on you present and past experience. You might learn something meaningful!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bitter Sweet

I recently had engaged into some sort of new venture. When I started, I gather as much info as I could. When doing it, I was so hopeful and exicited at the possible outcome. A 20 million deal.

Then to spoil my excitement, I found out that I probably wont be getting it and luckly, I found out the reason why.

It made me sad, but the I figure that it wont be such a lost since my cost is quite minimal and I just started to learn how to do it in 2 month time. But it was bitter since I misssed the opportunity.

It is sweet though since the lessons are...

1)I have embarked into something new with potential rather than sitting on it...
2)I know how to do it better next time around and it is next week!
3) I learn patience, new knowledge
4) that everything has to go through some sort of learning processes and it take some time... the only thing that you can do is cut short the time if you learn faster... but! you cannot cut short the process!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The limit and limitless

Human has their own limit. Human also has different potentials. Human also looks at a situation in different perspectives.

The limit of human potential is not fixed. The potential depends on human credit and ability thus credibility. Human credibility is set by the perspective that human pictures himself. Higher perspective does not mean that the potential limit higher.

The intrinsic value of potential depends on human capabilities ie knowledge, determination and willingness to learn and to adapt.

But the higher the perspective of a human, the higher the potential. Only if he strive to live up to it. Without the determination to life up to own high perspective we can say that the human is day dreaming and full of bull #@$%.

But the fact remains is, the limit of human petential is limitless. period.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Seduced by success

We are human, we have many weaknesses, we have some common weaknesses.

One of the weaknesses is being seduced by success. The probability of human being easily seduced by success is the determine by the easiness of human getting the success and the rate that they acquire it.

Most of the time, the easier and the faster human acquire success, the easier they are to be seduced by success.

Success can induce arrogance and reduce the acceptance of learning. This in turn will result in downturn spiral, destroying the success and its sustainability.

In the edge of information, should you land on success, you have to work on it and learn how to sustain in. Should you fall seduced by success, the chance of you being able to turn it around is very slim. Unless you have a brave and strong heart and mind.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dicipline - the understanding

I am delighted to have found a very good idea. Well, actually i found better understanding of the idea. Happy, because I get the idea of what to do and why i need to do it. So I will share with you.

All this while the idea about dicipline got me confused and maybe i got the wrong understanding of the subject. Well now , I think that dicipline are about people conforming to certain ruling or getting people in line.That is about the simplest defination that I can come up with. It is suppose to be simple anyway.

Dicipline is actualy creating a boundry where people should act and perform. Obviously, when there are no dicipline and rules there shall be chaos.

The ideas that i am getting at is that whenever we have rules and ruling, we shall observe that some of the people that lives within the boundy are offline or astray. When this happened, normally we will tend introduce more ruling or we tighthen the existing ruling.

Introduction of new rules and tighting up the existing one is normally to cater for undicipline people. Hopeful that these undicipline people will get back inline. But actually most of time you end up introducing more and more rules. It bad because too many rules would normally be too hard to uphold and unsustainable. But the worst part is too many rules will suffocate and choke the rest of the great dicipline people who can conform to basic and simple rules.

So to cut this writing short, what you really need to do is to get rid of these undicipline people and get new people. Dicipline people with dicipline mind and dicipline action.

You can introduce new rules when necessary but only after you get rid of the undicipline people. Introduction of too many rules can be boring to dicipline people and can even drive them away!.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I meet with a lot of people from student, fresh graduates, seasoned businessman, working people and scrambling businessman wannabe.

Obviuosly, in the edge of Information technology, ideas are abundance and people are more exposed to ideas.

As I miggle around, I observed that people have many good ideas. Idea of improvements and even good business ideas. Sometime in my opinion, a lot of those ideas are viable.

When I found ideas viable, I spend a little more time to evaluate. I began asking more questions on the idea. After some time a pattern emerged.

The Idea is

A lot of people can come up with idea and sometime too many ideas!. I found out that they waste a lot of time with the ideas and fine tuning the ideas. End of the day, nothing solid materialised.

For one, the fear to bring the idea to life. Sometime,they do not even know how to bring it to life.

By fear and lack of knowledge plus unknown risk assesment, the idea never become reality. So they just talks about it endlessly and wasting their time.

Most of the time, people who later come across the idea. People with good management skills. Implement the idea and make a business out of it. Some time they make a fortune out of it!.

Many people have good ideas. Many people can come up with great ideas. But not many are able to translate the idea in reality.