Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to achive Greatness

Every one and every organisation wants to be great. Some people do, some people do not achieve greatness. Greatness comes with a lot of good things. It can be respect, wealth and recognition and others.
But how does one achieve greatness?. First, you have to define greatness. Greatness itself is subjective, different people define greatness in different perspective.
The is the reason why there are thousands of writing on the idea of greatness. We can not be doing all ideas to achive greatness. One has to define by oneself the meaning of greatness. Only then one can screen what is actualy applicable and needed to achive one's greatness.
Before one start confusing oneself with the multiple ideas of how to achieve greatness. The is only way to do it right. Other tools and guide to achieve greatness follows.
What one MUST to do, to achive greatness is to be able to question oneself.
Only by questioning, will one know direction, tools needed and guides which are applicable.
One need to question and given answer. The trick is to be able to come up with the right questions and sincere answers.
Maybe as a guide, maybe I am wrong, is to first ask one's purpose of life or the purpose of the organisation. One has to scrutinise the purpose, its genuinity, it relevence or maybe obsolution.
Only upon getting the right meaningful purpose, one can start to ask things like strengths, weaknesses, direction, planning, discipline, improment needed and so on.
The idea is
Questioning and answer. Once if one starts to question, one will have all the answers and know how to achieve greatness. Else one will fail and alway wonder why greatness does not rest upon them. This is because when one does not question, one will be ignorance or maybe complacent.
Good Luck!

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