Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Should we give Najib the chance?

Najib has just taken over the premiership of the country. The question is should we give him a chance to continue leading?.

We have 10 years to realise the 2020 vision of becoming a developed country. There a lot of work to be done to realise this. Mainly, I think in terms of developing the people of the country into knowledge society, preparing the country to give better impact globally and turning the employee of the country into high income earner, to name a few.

As to compare to the his predesessor, so far he has shown some good efforts and ideas to do this.

The country has not been spared from the global financial crisis. Obviously we do not have enough money to do away with development. Money is a mean to buy time, to think, to review and plan better. He has shown some effort to get financial institutions to play some role by means of issuance and subsciption of bonds. He has also try to get fresh fund (FDI) into the country to stimulate the economy and growth.

And I would guess that more efforts would be carried out to settle the deficit. I hope and wish he is successful.

The idea is

Once he could gather all the money he needed, what would he do with it?. I am sure that he has some good idea of how he wants to utilise it. Probably learning from his experience from the previous premeirship.

If he is to be given the chance he would probably span beyond 2020. He is the one to carry the final task to accomplish the 2020 vision. Is he capable of doing it?

Well, I think he has good intention and probably deserve the chance. It is fair as the majority of the country had given a chance to the previous premiership of more than 4 years.

Or should we give the chance to other political party? The thing is at this stage, to achieve the 2020 vision, we need to have leadership continuity. But continuity does not mean we are to do same thing. I doubt the vision will be realised if we keep doing the things that we did before. We need to do improvement and abandon thing which are obsolete. Continuity means to have momentum.

So do we change the leading political party? Maybe a bit later if necessary. The opposition parties are now leading few states and if they are to lead the country they have a lot more to learn in term of management. Of course they are progressing. But they have to really ask themselves of their collective and common mission, and work on their differences. How can they make this country stable if their coaliton is not!.

Decision that we make have to be based on the 2020 vision. The vision is important. It is important for the country and its people. We have to achieve this mission. Introduction of new vision will only delay ourselve to becoming a develop nation and gets the people confused.

Let us go back to Najib.
I am pretty sure that Najib like all previous leaders have good intentions for the country. Previous leaders perform diffrently from each other in term of the results they produced. Good intentions does not guarantee good results. Good intentions remain good intentions, if the intentions are not translate into action plan. Action plans that is measured and measurable. Action plan are to be executed. The execution has to be better and effective.
So basicly, what makes leaders of the country produced different result is the way they managed the execution. The easy part is always to have good intentions let alone if intentions is appropriate, the hard part is to make sure it is carried out and effectively executed.
Maybe in order to succed, Najib may need to shortlist his good intentions and focus on a few. Let the rest of the list carried out by other ministers and make them accountable for it. Ultimately he has to focus on execution of his ideas. Good efforts put in by his people has to be rewarded. Bad efforts and execution has to be rectified. Don't want to elaborate on KPI now, may be later.
I think he has make public of some of his plans. I should think that we should give him the chance and time to do the right thing. The people may have given him some faith (based on his intentions and plans). He will get more if he start to effectively execute and produce results.
Politic can be beaucratic and induce a lot of mere busyness, it will get politician loses its focus on what is the right things to do. So Najib may want to set or review his priority and shorten his to do list and focus.
We will see how he does it. It is easy for me to say and it is very hard for him to do! Anyhow the keyword if Effective Execution.

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