Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why Malaysia a good and almost the best country?

Malaysia is such a good country. We have been in peace and harmony. We can afford to learn, we can do almost anything because of the environment. There are abundance of opportunites if one care to look.
The good things happened is mainly because of the availability of ideas with good intentions. This good intentions has been successfull translated into a good system structure.
Structure, i mean by having planning and establishment effort and agencies to help and boost education, business, health and others.
We are such a good country that these efforts a put in advance. It is being put a head in anticipation progess. This is because the country learned from other advanced country, the important of these efforts. So it has been put in place.
The idea is
The country will be the best country if
The people and organisation can catch up to utilise and leverage the facilities that are in place.
The people start to care more about this country
The people start to learn the things that they expect from this country
The people find and understand common mission and vission for the country.
What are we to do? what does the government needs to do?
As i said there are many agencies and efforts been put in place. All we to do is to think of all that are in place. List it all out. Having those vission in mind and look for the important one and abandon what is not necessary in line with the vision. Asking what is the relevent role and contribution towarn the progress that we wanted.
Having done that we should have some system and management in place to make sure we produce the results that we anticipate. Of course accountability should be in place. Consistant review should be in place.
Any government agencies that can be turn into entrepernual performance should be structure in such away. The one that run on good cause such as education and health should be structure differently by having diffrent kind of measurements which is appropriate.
Last but not least, government should allow the people for opportunities and allow people to make mistakes and learn. There should be rooms for learning continuity.
This is because both the people and government have a lot more to learn and experiment.
Being manage correctly we will be the best country. But who say buiding knowledge people and revamping government agencies to be performance driven is easy. It takes a lot of efforts and hard work!

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