Saturday, November 21, 2009

It a serious and heavy

Yup, I admit I write heavy stuffs in my blog. My wife says it heavy.I am just being myself.That is what I am, I am always thinking of the heavy stuffs. It is worth my time.

If you notice, my grammar and sentence structure are often off. I am thinking as I write and my thinking is faster than my writing. I could not find my time to correct it. I just let it be.

That is why my decision is sometime off.. I make decision too fast.Well, nowadays I try to think it through more. But I wont take as much time. It is who I am. I am a risk taker.I am not that prudent. If I am too prudent, probably I will take too long to decide and playing on the save side.Risk taking means mistakes prone.No mistake no progress, no mistake no lessons.

It is always a double edge. I am trying to balance it out nowadays. I am trying to be more prudent but I wont lose my other edge, I dont intend to. I will have both edges.

To my staffs,I am telling you that I will get my third supercars, hehehe.

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