Saturday, November 7, 2009

Life progression - a reminder

Life goes on regardless. Time goes by regardless.

The young and the old experinces new things everyday. Experiences is our test. There will be endless test regardless. It is the norm. It is normal life progession. It is "fitrah" of life and human.

Human does not have the choice to what situation that they are born. They can be born in wealthy or poor family. They can be born in Malaysia or in Europe. That is the decision of God. But upon being born is the decision of the parents.After puberty, it is the decision of human to decide their life progression.We do not have the choice of how we are brought here and being brought up, but after, it is about our choice to determine how it is going to be. What God will do is to reward and punish. He will subject human to test and evenue to learn. It is the fitrah or norm. Fitrah that human will make mistakes and sins, to correct it and to learn from it.

What will be then definate and the decision of God is only one. It is the exact second that we will die. Not one second more or less.

Human is constantly making mistakes and sins. It has been said that if this human does not sins, He will exterminate the human race and replace is with a new human being who sins.

That is the reason why,He loves it when human sins and ask for His forgivess. That is why He loves it when human is in trouble, he works hard and ask for His mercy and assistance.

The idea is

God will subject human to test until human exhale their last breath. Human are required to learn until the day they die.

That is why human progess from being rich to poor, from being rich to poor and rich again, from being rags to riches and etc. Some time God accelarate the this process because of other human excessive bad or good deeds. But human fate else than that rest upon the human himself. God is fair.

All I am trying to say is that, we should reflect the purposes of life. When we have purposes or when we are aware of our purposes, only then we will know what to do. And the right thing to do.

Reflect on that!

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