Saturday, December 26, 2009

Love affairs


Living is love affairs. Life means nothing without love. Love could be the purpose of life. is actually one of the purposes of life. Ultimately.. we got to have love for God. We have to seek and understand the meaning of love to God. Well, i am not trying to be religious here, all I am trying to say is that there are a lot of kind of love and it is not limited.

I want to be taking about working or business as a love affairs.Since maybe most of us understand the normal love - love to family, love to your love one.. ie love form one person to another. So, I'd like to highlight love affairs in business and working as a change.

I am saying that working and business is a love affairs. Maybe we are not thinking in that terms. But we should be thinking in that terms to know what to do and how to react. Maybe we should be thinking in that terms to be succesful and to be happy at what we are doing.

The selection

The first stage is the selection stage. Like choosing patner when falling in love, this kind of love has to be mutual as well.

If we are the employee, we are to choose the organisation, the environment and the people, where we are to work. The situation is vice versa.If we are the employer, we are to chose the people according to our requirements. We have to look into the values that the person possessed. Each organisation have their own values which are unique to them and the person to be employed is to share that values. Else it will be chaos and imbanlance.

It is a matching process where the core values of the employee and employer has to be identical and tally. When we in love we look for chemistry. So there shall be chemistry in term of working bonding. The fact is that sometime even the best employee and the best employer could not be the ideal match. The relasionship simply wont work. The reason is that they may share different values and expect diffrent outcome out of the working relationship.

I'd like to stress that as in human love, it is very rare that we chose the right partner at the first time. Our partner selection can be spot on if we are lucky enough. But it is definately rare. We make mistakes in choosing but along the process our gut feeling will be sharper. Of course, we have to follow our gut feeling and just choose and see where it will take us. We have to be careful in choosing just to save possible time wasted. But on top of that, it is a gamble and we must try and we must make the selection decision.

The fact remain when choosing an employeer and employee. You have to follow your gut feeling and make the selection decision.

In between.

When we are done with selection decision, the relationship starts. The process of actual facts finding of things that we share in common and our differences begins. We will begin to discover who we are and who our partner is.

When in a relationship and working bonding we have to have a clear mind and determination to make it work. To make it work we have to put it our best efforts.

So we should have a clear mind while in the relationship to discover our strength and weaknesses. Along the way, we have to enhance our strength and minimise our weaknesses. We have to exploit the strength that we have in common and work out our differences.

As the relationship goes further it gets more complex. Peolple will discover more of themself especially rather then discover more of their partner. It gets more complex as our environment changes, our need changes and mostly it gets complicated going forward because we evolve and change along the way. So we will encounter new needs and new differences that we need to fulfil and work out.

That is why we should have clear mind all the time in relationship. Both have to realised that we and our partner changes all the time. Changes rate between the partner is different and we should be aware of that. The different rate of changes is influence by the differnt rate individual exposure to different environment.

Same goes to our business and working bonding. As business environment changes all the time, the organisation has to change to adapt. As soon as the organisation changes, the employee has to make changes as well and vice versa. Everybody has to adapt to changes to make it work and to ensure their relevence in the relationship.

That is why when in relationship, effort has to be put in all the time to accomodate chances and to stay relevence. If not the relationship will start to accumulate unsolved differences and always the effort put in has to be mutual to make it last.

When only one party put in effort to accomodate changes and evolve into something better, we have to communicate to our partner of the requirement to change and work out the new differences. When both adapt to changes and work out the new differences the relationship will become stronger. However if one party refuse to adapt to changes we have to put in effort to make them change. Unfortunately, if it does work out and the other partner refuse to tag along, then harsh decision has to be made on the relationship. Delaying on the decision will only mean suffering. Delaying mean it is the start downfall of the relationship or the love affair or the organisation.

To be editted and to be continued

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

I have been busy this year end. I have not been writing that much this month. So yesterday i was really buzy and decided that I should go on a short holiday while there is still 2009 remaining.

So, today here I am arriving at Tanjung Jara Resorts one of YTL luxury resort in Malaysia. I check into a room where Micheal Schumacher the F1 race driver stayed before!. By coincidence I was driving my ferrari to Terrenganu today :). I did quite some racing from Kuala Lumpur to Terengganu..hehehe

I am trying to enjoy this 3 days holiday as much as I could. I am now facing my private garden and beach now! It is so breath taking.

My work is going to be much challenging in 2010. So I am going to forget about work for a while and relax

Merry Christmast to those who celebrate it. And good weekend for the rest.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Business evolution

I have been doing business for a while now, I always wonder what is it that I am looking for and what am I suppose to get out of it...

It is a process of fact finding. I guess it is subjective matter anyhow.. depending on individual perception and perspective actually.

At first, I was looking for a better life with better earning. Well almost everybody started out with that reason.

When I started to venture into business and I found out the freedom that it offers. The freedom of not being tight to any terms or condition.

At this point of time, I feel is about the satisfaction of

1) being able to always learn new thing especially the strategic planning in the area of financial and human mananagement

2) to be able to create a work place with the kind of people that you want and the kind of that you makes you happy and performing.

3) to be able to see other people grow and helping them to discover their potential.

4) the challeges that business bring and coming out of every challeges stronger and wiser.

5) to be able to contribute to the society by paying taxes, by providing employment and etc

That is what I can think of right now!. maybe more to come...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Step by step

I have been busy lately. I am going to be more buzy this coming years. Well I guess I just have to manage it. Anyhow, there should be some time to write too! ;)

Every thing has to go through a generic process.That's the way it is. It is just the rate of going through the process or multiple process at the same time may differ.It depend on the effort that the person put in actually. I found that somehow from my experience it is always true.

You have to always go through the process. You cannot take shortcut. If you take shortcut you have to really put in mega effort to catch up.The fact is, if you do not put in more effort to catch up you will destine to fail.

If your are to speed up your progress and achievement, you have to put in more effort. Effort in term of your energy and brain power.But between the two I would say that brain power will give you faster and sustainable growth.

But what ever the rate of progress that you are capable of delivering, you have to through the process step by step.

Lastly, in order to have a clear picture of the steps that you need to follow, you got to have a target!.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The thing about leadership

The summary

Leadership counts that is for sure. Things go about around leadership. Growth is proportional to leadership enhancement. Down fall is caused by deteriorated, unmatched, stagnant leadership.

The idea is

Leadership is required at every stage of human and organisation development and evolution. The differentiation of human and organisation development rate and achievement is determined by the level of leadership that an individual and organisation possessed.

Leadership could also relate closely to management and decision making. The higher the leadership level the better management is required and the harder the decision making is required.

The human and organisation differentiation

The essential

When you or an organisation gets started, the factor that differentiates one man or an organisation from another is the ability of you to lead yourself or the owner of the organisation to lead himself as “the one man show”. This is where leadership started, this is where evolution started and this is where the differentiation of achievement and status begins.

So if you or an organisation what to be achieving, this is where you should start looking, this is where you should evaluate and rate yourself, and this is where you should learn how and what to improve. If you wonder why yourself or your organisation fail to achieve what other people or organisation have achieved compared to a relatively similar start up or start off, the difference is in the growth of leadership rate.

If you want to keep achieving, you have to learn lead yourself by learning how to grow yourself with continuous improvement. Self development has to be endured all the time. You can and should all the time improve yourself, you can grow yourself indefinitely and achieve more by increasing your leadership level, knowledge and capabilities. Leadership and growth is a process and it is suppose to be a never ending process.

I will not describe how to lead better, maybe in future writing and some I have written earlier. If you want to start learning, I would recommend you to start picking up leadership books.

If you need to know leadership start with care for oneself and getting better all the time. The only thing is that we are human and there is a limited rate that we can progress. The simple reason is human make mistakes and human takes time to digest mistakes and improve.

The multiplication factor

Sure you will be a better person and able to achieve more by leading yourself better, by managing yourself better and by learning how to make better and tougher decision on your own with regard to yourself. But if you want to do something significant, satisfying and contributing you should learn to lead other people. Leading other people is the way to multiplication and exponential growth.

But before you get so excited about it, remember that leading yourself is hard enough and leading yourself should be a never ending process regardless as I mentioned. Sometime even if you started to lead others and enjoy some degree of success, in time you may fail. One of the reasons apart from the failure to learn more how to lead other better is, the failure to continuously improve and leading yourself. At this stage people normally becomes either arrogant or ignorance. They stop growing and learning.

I am confident that if you are reading this and you have read this far, you are either starting your career and have the desire to improve yourself, or you are leading yourself well and leading others, or maybe you have done well but stuck not knowing what to do next since your growth has become stagnant, or hopefully not at the stage of a downfall. Even if it so, maybe it is time to re-assess and re-group.

So whatever the situation that you are in at the moment, you can grow exponentially by having more right people and more leaders. You are to be able to position yourself either in the middle, on top and underneath more right people and leaders depending on your position in your organisation. So if you are to grow beyond your maximum rate and current abilities, you are required to learn how to lead more people.

Just understand that the more people to lead means your leadership level must be horned. You can lead people who are more skilful than you, but you cannot lead someone with higher leadership level for long.

Last but not least

All I am writing is conceptual. I am writing about the effects and consequences. I am just stressing on the importance of leadership. Maybe leadership is the missing piece that stunts your growth. Maybe you have enjoyed some success without knowing the reason why. The reason is that you have subconsciously learn to lead better by some exposures, some good example and guidance, some informal knowledge and modelling some sort of leadership traits.

To be able to grow always, you have to be consciously learns the effect and consequences of growing, decline and absence of leadership. You should be aware of the framework and to be able to put the missing pieces together as you go along.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Putting accountability in place

I recently got myself in a situation which things got a little bit messy. Things got a little be out of control when I was subject to bigger job and more people to deal with. It takes me a while to understand and to figure out the root of the problem and the solution it.

I wonder about and find out that i have to really start putting accountability in place more seriously. So, I started to learn how to put accountability into practice. The way to start is to appoint someone to be in charge and accountable for the result required and the dateline.

When I started to do it thing started to become somewhat better and organised.

For those bosses and business owner, start to learn how to put in accountability in place and the rest learn how to be come more accountable if you want your career to fly.

But you must learn to communicate accountability to make it effective.

You can never go wrong

You can never go wrong by investing into great people. Even if you do not have any more place in your organisation, when you stumble across a great one, make a place for them.

You will definately do more with more good people.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Failure and Conflict - The Inevitable

The summary

Failures and crisis is the test for our decision making and our abilities. We will either get better and stronger or we will end up becoming worst after every failure and crisis.

When going through failure and crisis, we are to have a clear mind of what is going on, where it is headed and the lesson it offers.

The Idea is

Failures and crisis is the test for our decision making and our abilities. We will either get better and stronger or we will end up becoming worst after every failure and crisis.

When going through failure and crisis, we are to have a clear mind of what is going on, where it is headed and the lesson it offers.
In life there are bound to be failure and crisis whether you like it or not.
The mass of the people will try to avoid failure. Failure hurts. It can be frustrating. It can make you feel bad about yourself.

You cannot actually avoid failure. When you are avoiding it, you are actually just delaying it. You cannot avoid failure by not to decide. You have actually made the decision. The decision is to compromise, the decision is not to be better and the decision is to let others decide for you. You have failed anyway. I do want to address this type of people anyway. The writing is for those who desire to be great. These people will never be great anyway.

When people are at the time of crisis, they will be stressful, they tend to make wrong decision. Some get over it, and learn the lesson. Some could not get over it becomes worst then they were before.

Like it or not, failures and crisis come and go. It will keep coming not matter what. The thing about failure and crisis is that it is a test. It is the test of our decision making, the test of our ability to adapt, the test of our worthiness to grow. It is the differentiation factor.

When going through failures and crisis, at the end of the day, you will become either better or worst. It is a battle at the cross road. So brace yourself and have a clear mind whenever crisis and failure is at your doorstep. It is either your take it to your advantage or you will be the victim of crisis and failure.

The is a book by John C Maxwell titled “Failing Forward” and a book by Mark Gerzon titled “Leading Through Conflict” if you like to read.