Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bitter Sweet

I recently had engaged into some sort of new venture. When I started, I gather as much info as I could. When doing it, I was so hopeful and exicited at the possible outcome. A 20 million deal.

Then to spoil my excitement, I found out that I probably wont be getting it and luckly, I found out the reason why.

It made me sad, but the I figure that it wont be such a lost since my cost is quite minimal and I just started to learn how to do it in 2 month time. But it was bitter since I misssed the opportunity.

It is sweet though since the lessons are...

1)I have embarked into something new with potential rather than sitting on it...
2)I know how to do it better next time around and it is next week!
3) I learn patience, new knowledge
4) that everything has to go through some sort of learning processes and it take some time... the only thing that you can do is cut short the time if you learn faster... but! you cannot cut short the process!